Sunday 2 December 2012

Quarantine and Queensdown Warren

Well into the research process we came across the Quarantine trailer and we found that unconsciously mirrored the ending to that of the Quarantine's trailer where the girl gets dragged into the darkness...
Before we decided to shoot that scene we thought it would work really well with our genre and it displays the physical manipulation which the ordinary citizen goes through and not just the mental turmoil that they experience. I think our shot of the girl being dragged away could be improved as the lighting could be darker to show less of her surroundings and therefore evoke more intrigue as to where the psychotic men are taking her; much like the Quarantine film. Overall, we wanted to use this shot as we all felt that it directly addresses the audience, the eye-level shot puts the audience at the same height of the victim, trying to make our target audience to feel sympathetic towards her and encourage them to feel a degree of horror that she would be feeling. 

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