Sunday 11 November 2012

Trailer Research

Phase One: Background research into the conventions of film trailers... This exploration into movie trailers was vital for our progression in this project, without this step our foundation for the task before us would not have been a sturdy one and deciding which genre film we would like to do a trailer for would have been a much harder sport. To give ourselves the best chance, our research was broad and covered various genres, ranging from spoofs - tragedies.

These are some of the varied movie previews we touched upon, among others-

After the research session we concluded that it was significantly helpful to our understanding of trailers, that they include the beginning, the middle and the suspense, just before the end, typically. Furthermore, each trailer usually follows along the generic lines of having characters such as protagonists and antagonists who manages to create a problematic "unsolvable" situation for the hero of the film.
In addition, we also gathered that we will have to (when we are planning the structure of the trailer) carefully and intricately note what the characters are going to say, as they have a short amount of time to put across their character's disposition.
From this, in hindsight we have undiscovered details about movie previews we would not have independently thought of and shall now apply this knowledge to our next step.

1 comment:

  1. So much of your research suggests that they follow a typical narrative route - equilibrium: disequilibrium and resolution? Surely not - too much Todorov and Propp.
    Analyse the structure of trailers (about 3) in more detail. Pick specific ones and name them.
    Mrs H
