Tuesday 20 November 2012

Film Survey

 In order for my group to produce a trailer, we wanted to get some primary data instead of secondary as it  is more reliable. Our survey is comprised of questions which would allow us to see what age group goes to cinema more often than others and what genre film they prefer to watch above all the rest. By getting a wide range of ages to fill out this survey it allowed us to see where there would be a gap in the 'cinema market' so that we are making a trailer which would be of interest to a contemporary audience. Furthermore,  a couple of the questions we included  such as "What online Movie sites do you visit?" and "What attracts you to watch a film?" is allowing us to receive information on how effective promotion packages usually are. For example, if people do not usually visit the film's official website, then it is telling my group that we need to advertise the film's website clearly on the official poster, trailer and magazine.  Below is the survey which we handed out...

Trailer Survey

1) How old are you?


2) What gender are you?

Male               Female

3) What is your preferred genre?

Action          Adventure        Horror       Comedy       Rom-com       (If other please specify)                                                                                                                                                                                                                     


4) How often do you go to the cinema in a month approximately?

0                1                2               3                4                 Other

5) Who do you prefer to go to the cinema with?

6) What age certificate film do you usually watch?

U         PG          12A        12          15          18

7) What attracts you to watch a film?

The actors/actresses               The plot                  The Poster    (If other please specify)

8) What online Movie sites do you visit?

IMDb       Rotten tomatoes       Yahoo Movies        Official film website    (If other please specify)                                                                                                             


Thank you for taking time to fill out this questionnaire! 

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