Saturday 24 November 2012

Target Audience

Selecting the target audience is a process which cannot be entered lightly and research into each of the age certificates is compulsory in order to correctly label a film. Before we looked into the age restrictions however, we knew that a thriller commonly is either a 15 or 18, this is due to the fact that the shocking impact and feelings which thrillers produce can only be achieved with a certain amount of horror, violence and violent language.
This is an extract from the bbfc (British Board of Film) website which states the exactly what the classification of a 15 certificate entails.

Having looked at the classification of 15 and 18 rated movies, encouraged our simultaneous development of choosing the 15 rating to represent our film. We felt like we were going to need to apply the use of strong language to show how desperate the men were in catching all of the three girls. Moreover, we anticipated that we would exploit the use of violence to show the physical intimidation that was imposed on the protagonist. 
In addition to just talking about which age rating was suited best to the film, we took into account the feedback we received from the initial survey we sent out, of which 25% (the highest percentage) said they preferred to watch 15's.

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