Thursday 17 January 2013

Roles Within the Group

As we all study a number of subjects between us, ranging from English to Business, we all had acquired different skills to bring to the table, as well as the knowledge that we gained from last years film opening project. However, it was decided from the beginning that even though we had different strengths, we would alternate duties like editing, filming, acting and directing throughout the whole process.
Following last year, I had gained a great amount of knowledge on the piece of software called Final Cut Express, so this year I was keen to continue developing my skills and immerse myself in this programme. As well as editing video and sound clips together, I took a role in filming the footage needed to create Queensdown Warren and familiarized myself with Adobe After Effects CS6

Another member of the group, Grace, was tasked with the duty of playing the role of the film's antagonist which required a great deal of composure as we filmed in very cold temperatures. In addition, Grace was responsible for the continual development of the film magazine and also edited some of the trailer as well as having captured some footage when she was not needed to be in front of the camera.

Amber's main responsibility in the whole process was to utilize Garage Band and create a piece of soundtrack that would capture what we mutually felt would best accompany our idea of the trailer, this task demanded a lot of patience. Moreover, Amber took a part in being the main girl's friend and when she was not being filmed, picked up the camera.

Lastly, Shannon had a great insight into the programme Photoshop as one of her other subjects for A-Level is Photography, this meant that she took charge on airbrushing the photos for the poster and film magazine. Also, Shannon, like Amber, acted in our trailer as the other friend of the main character and took command of one of the camcorders whilst not being filmed. 

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