Tuesday 26 February 2013

Musical Inspiration

Providing music to our trailer is a major development in the construction stage and a lot of research was needed in assessing how music in thrillers are composed. With this is mind however, we looked to and drew inspiration from soundtracks which have been included in trailers such as Sherlock Holmes but they had elements within them that would not sound out of place in our trailer. By listening to  2:03 - 2:45 within E.S. Posthemus - Unstoppable track, it gave us the idea to synchronize the music with fast paced shots to create the heart raising, energetic feel. Furthermore, around the 2:35 mark, we thought it would be striking to bring together audio and visual elements and link them by timing pressures. This was an idea in which we felt very confident in as we thought it would work extremely well in evoking the heart raising feeling. In addition, it would aid us to create a tense atmosphere.

In addition, whilst we were in the research stages of our work, we momentarily diverted our attention to The Women in Black trailer starring Daniel Radcliffe, and felt that this trailer was exemplar in creating an eerie and impacting soundtrack. This trailer enacted as a source of inspiration to us and we aimed to create a soundtrack that manages to duplicate a fraction of its intensity. This trailer is an iconic contemporary horror movie and in replicating some of the trailer's aspects we thought this would further us in technical ability and help our work to connect with the audience.

At 1:14 on wards, this is where we drew most musical inspiration from and is where we came up with the idea that we could synchronize our shots with the music.   

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