Wednesday 27 February 2013

Evaluation of Our Filming

As the trailer is shorter and has to represent the plot to the audience within a 1-2 minute time frame, it has to display an array of shots and filming techniques that will help the audience to decide whether our film is something that they would like to see in the cinema.
During the planning process for Queensdown Warren we had to produce a storyboard and it was from this that we said we wanted to include live footage from a hand held camera, which one of the girls in the back of the car would be filming.

We thought that this would be an effective technique to use as it would help to put our audience into the shoes of these girls who are subjected to the cruel attacks of the sadistic men. In addition, as we decided to film from the victim's point of view (which is what the participants of the survey said that they preferred), this shot would help reinforce the stance that we chose.

In contrast to the live footage of the girls in the car, we filmed on tripods also in order to gain a steady and fixed shot when needed. For example, on extreme close ups and long distance shots, as this is when every movement is most recognizable to the eye.

Here is a list of some shots we have managed to feature within our trailer...
  • panning shot
  • Establishing Shot
  • Long distance
  • Close Up
  • Low angled shot
  • High Angled Shot
  • Point of View Shot
  • Medium distance shot 
  • Slow Motion Shot
Out of all of the types of shots that we have used, most frequently close up shots can be seen. This is effective and vital in a thriller genre as anticipation is mainly built by looking closely at details and noticing something is not right. As an example, the moment when the equilibrium shifts is when a close up shot of one of the men's feet steps out in front of the girl's car.

Out of all of the shots we applied to our trailer, some may say that there is one shot in particular that is not effective as it is very unclear and is a little confusing to the audience as to what they are witnessing - this is when the central character's friends are getting tied up by the tree. We decided to include this shot as it displayed the severity of the situation which drew the girls into the deep woods, also it helped to highlight just how dark it was when this event would have occurred and the shot would heighten the levels of fear felt for the protagonist.

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