Thursday 28 February 2013

Audio Commentary of Official soundtrack

Here is the commentary of the official soundtrack which we applied to our trailer...

One of the main features which make a trailer is the soundtrack, it has the ability to have an impact on the audience  - to make them experience the emotions we want them to, for example, feeling scared and anticipation...

The commentary script

"The beginning of the music starts at an average speed with two deep pitched 'boom' sounds which foreshadow the traumatic events that will occur to the protagonists. We thought this would be an effective start as it will work well alongside the three girls before they are taken.
After 20 seconds the beat of the music stops suddenly and low pitched drum beats are introduced. The continuity of the beats act as a countdown to the action, they also signify the idea of a sudden shift in the equilibrium. We believe that this worked well as it evokes a conventional feeling of anticipation which is commonly felt in thrillers.
Between 27-44 seconds, this section of the music is quite a long interlude. this also tells the audience that there will be a shift in the equilibrium. Therefore, making the audience pay attention to everything they see, in order to anticipate the traumatic events which will be later introduced in the trailer. This part of the soundtrack is conventional in a thriller and is effective in reinforcing our message - that fate does not discriminate and nothing goes according to plan.
From 44 - 58 there is a change in tempo for the action parts. It increases in volume and speed to show the chase scene. This is a vital part in our soundtrack as we intended to sync it with fast paced shots.
After that section the volume increases even more and is therefore introducing a more intense feeling of anxiety. our intention for making the tempo intensify is to overpower our audience's sense of desperation. We wanted the pace to symbolise a heartbeat, seeing as generally when people feel scared they experience a "heart raising moment" when you can physically hear your heartbeat in your ears. The overpowering sound of the track aims to do just that as it is really effective in emotionally moving our audience."

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