Saturday 9 March 2013

How A2 Differs From AS

These past two years have not just differed in terms of the project that was assigned to us, but in our knowledge of the planning, producing and editing stages. In comparison to last year, I feel that both individually and when combined as a group, we have reached a higher level of professionalism in our work. This is due to the fact that we have experimented a lot more with Final Cut Express in terms of effects, layering footage and synchronicity between our audio and visual clips.
Having now completed our A2 project, I think that it is evident our knowledge of what the expectations of thrillers are is much more concentrated and displayed in our work. We each understood that in terms of film openings, there is not as much pressure to produce feelings of great intensity, as that is something which would happen when the equilibrium shifts later on in the film. However, a trailer has to evoke the feelings of anticipation in a much shorter amount of time and therefore we knew we had to have a strong, impacting soundtrack to accompany the extreme fast paced close ups. Our preparation and planning was a lot more focused and in depth in A2 as there was a increased number of shots which we needed to include.  
In addition, we also featured in this years project, elements that we were extremely fond of in our film opening that we produced last year. For example at 0:30-0:40 in Daisy it starts with a very slow motion shot of a girl walking across the street, this editing technique is mirrored with the leaf falling at 1:15-1:18 in the Queensdown Warren trailer.

Other Programmes We Used
Another contrasting point which shows how A2 differs from AS is the additional programmes that we utilized this year and also how excessively we practiced on those from last year. 
It can be noted that Photoshop was used in order to perfect the images we gathered for our two ancillary texts. In our poster the is an obvious presence that this piece of software has been exercised due to the spotlight on the girl and a dark feathered edging, in which you can just see two male figures. Without the effects added, our poster would not have had the same depth of meaning. In addition, if we had been tasked with constructing a poster or magazine last year, we would have not been able to due to the fact we would not have had knowledge of how to use Photoshop. 
In addition to the software that we made use of, Adobe After Effects was a main, turning point in establishing how these two years of media have differed substantially. As shown in the pictures below, when we were developing our own company production logo in AS we did not think to use Adobe After Effects and as a result we ended up with a very basic design. However, in contrast to last year's logo designs, we incorporated the animated element to show how advanced in producing we had become and also designing. 

Filming Outside Instead of Inside
Our set for Daisy last year, consisted mainly of a cellar placed at the bottom of some stairs in one of our houses and whilst this was a very effective and appropriate location considering our plot, it did not allow us to show a variety of shots that we could have filmed in a bigger space or outside. The advantages however of filming indoors were that we were in control of lighting as there was no shadows to consider which natural light would produce. 

This year, we jumped at the chance to film outside as we wanted to experience what it was like and what things we needed to consider, for example a waterproof cover for the camcorders just in case it rained. The fact that we produced and directed our trailer outside in the country, was a great experience and made us wise to remember that we had to keep an eye on the sun. This was so that if we needed to re-film a scene we were aware of having a small time frame in which to carry it out. In this sense, filming in the nature reserve may all of us sharp on picking up on the trailer's continuity.

Used More Multimedia

As a group when organising our thoughts this year, we decided to document our progression and ideas on an online media presentation site called In addition, we have also laid out our thoughts on a interactive moodboard that allows ourselves and other people to follow the evolution of our researching stage. We have all discussed that our organisiational skills have improved in comparison to Year 12 and another example in which this can be seen is in our risk assessment table which highlighted how certain locations have particular health hazards.
Despite our improved understanding of having to be organised in the filming stage of our project, we also carried out some questionnaires in order to gain valuable information and insight into why people favour the films which they do and what urges them to go and see specifc movies.
Last year, we did no such research and chose our adopted genre based on trailers which we looked at and mutually liked.

Below is my group's final film opening and trailer...

Our Final AS Film Opening:

Our Final Thriller Film Trailer:

I, personally feel that this year has helped me to evolve into a more well-informed individual on how the media industry functions, with an improved knowledge about how to promote the Green Screen, Adobe After Effects CS6, Final Cut Express, Photoshop and GarageBand, as well as operating the camera. 
My interests have always been in editing as I am captivated how numerous shots which have no context, can then be combined together by music and visual effects to create a video that has the power to evoke feelings in a target audience. 
In conclusion, I feel much more capable in the software that we used and by having formed a well rounded picture of how to operate Adobe AE, I think that our work managed to develop in ways that we could not have achieved last year and give off elements of professionalism.

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