Sunday 3 March 2013

Trailer Feedback


This is some feedback which we received by posting our trailer upon Facebook.
The overall impression which my group and I got back from people was that our trailer managed to effectively build up pace and tension, with Kim Williams Tucker saying "Had me scared!".
In light of this, someone did refer to there being no presence of american accents. This was one idea which we ignored during our planning stages as we came to the conclusion that if the characters were to put on an american accent then the serious tone of our trailer would be lost. In addition, we did not have the intention of making this as an american sponsored film, this can be seen in the fact that we did not include the green screen at the beginning of the trailer. We planned this film to be a British film.

Alongside the responses on Facebook, the overall consensus was positive...

Alex, 18
"A wide range of camera angles utilized along with hand held sections to engage and draw in the audience. Progressive soundtrack building suspense throughout the clip. High tension created from the outset. Leaves the audience wanting more. Professional credits."

Mandy, 17
"The music helped engage me from the beginning and heightened the sense of tension. Text screens were well used to give the audience an idea of the premise of the film. The trailer gave me goosebumps. The scene where someone was dragged away stuck in my mind in particular. I would like to see the actual film to find out what happens!"

Vicky, 16
"I thought that the way it was happy at the beginning and scary from the middle-end was really effective as it shows the characters in their life being happy and acting like teenagers then the bad things happen to them which makes it appealing to me as I can relate to how it would feel as I am the same age. I think the music really helps create the thrill for the trailer as it builds up the tension and makes you anticipate something to happen at the end, like the girl being dragged. The man that says "I will find you" sounds very strong and scary which makes the girl look even more vulnerable. It also indicates the challenge of a chase accepted, showing that the girl has a struggle ahead of her. The title sequence is very effective because the red symbolises many things that could be related to the trailer; evil, blood and hell which gives the idea of the genre."

Personally, I feel having looked into people's opinions of our media product, that we managed to produce a well rounded trailer that adopts conventional shots and does not look like an amateurish piece of work.   

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