Friday 8 March 2013

Titles and Font Analysis

Titles can come in various styles of font and size and can connote many things such as genre and emotions and when certain words or letters are emphasized it can highlight themes throughout the film. For example, Queensdown Warren just sounds like a place name and leaves the audience with the feeling that it is the location where things go unnoticed...
However, by stressing the War in Warren, gives the title a whole different feel and tells individuals that our film is going to be centered around a war that occurs within the woods. Whilst this is a clever emphasis on our title, we feel that the word war does not work well with our concept of the film and would sent out the wrong message. A war as it generally implies there being a number of people fighting on either side, whereas our three media products only depict one girl struggling to keep vast distance from two men and find her way out of the woodlands.

Each of these fonts connote something different, for instance the top image is one of the only times in which we experimented applying a grey tone to the title, and the colouring reminded us of a shadow which is effective in a thriller where a girl is scared of being hunted by men. Nevertheless we chose to discard this design as we felt adamant that we wanted to include the colour red as it signifies blood, fear and terror - all the feelings we want to attach to our products. 
Out of the following two images we liked how the two colours of the text and the background alternated, it worked in giving our promotional package a continuity to our colour scheme. In particular, when we were discussing the bottom caption of Queensdown Warren we were fond of how the words looked like they were caught in headlights, much like the shot in the trailer when the man stepped out in front of the girls' car, therefore this rendition of the title is effective in pointing out the narrative of our film and also in connoting the themes which we exploited through our trailer - danger and anger. Out of all the different designs that illustrate the film title, this is the one I most prefer as it has a lot of connotation attached to it.

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