Monday 4 March 2013

Magazine Feedback

Here is our final Magazine which we showed to people in order to gain some feedback -

One person responded to our magazine by saying- 

"I like the idea which this magazine cover promotes - that urban people find the countryside threatening as they are taken out of their comfort zone. It reminds of films like Deliverance and Straw Dogs."

- Simon , 54

This feedback was very helpful in allowing us to see if we had done a successful job... As they likened our concept of the film to previous real media products, it enabled us to say that we have effectively been using conventions of films. 

It is in this video that we got feedback on aspects ranging from the text used, to what the positioning of the girls are suggesting. We were really pleased to get mainly positive feedback as it gave us reassurance that we had constructed an emotionally and conceptually successfully film trailer. Despite the encouraging thoughts on our work; as mentioned in the video, people believed that the only fault was how the title "Queensdown Warren" was not entirely visible due to one of the character's hoodies being too dark. After knowledge of this had been pointed out to us, we attempted to address the issue by highlighting the text in bold, making the colour lighter and by enlarging the size of the font.  However, we were only able to edit the text to a certain extent, this is because we would have had to change the font entirely and this is not something we expressed a desire to do as it would break the continuity with the trailer, poster and magazine. 

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