Thursday 7 March 2013

The Promotional Package

Promotional Packages are what A-list movies depend upon to get their box office sales and the more effective the package, the more recognition and money a film will make. Promotional packages can be shown in a number of places and ways, for example, trailers can be shown at the cinema before the film starts, on the television and on the internet. Posters can often be seen on billboards, on the side of buses, outside the cinema, in magazines and on the internet. Similarly, covers of film magazines are published on websites, apps and obviously, they can be bought in shops.

Our Promotional Package
When planning our three media products we had to constantly think of what our promotional package as a whole will signify. Our aims and intentions of our packaging was to clearly show a connection and our film's message - that fate does not discriminate and that we cannot anticipate every ordeal that life throws at us, it is the influence of others which is capable of making our own plans for our life turn into insignificance.  



Magazine Cover

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