Saturday 2 March 2013

Poster Feedback

After a lot of positive feedback and a few comments on how we could improve, we drew the conclusion that our poster set out to do exactly what we wanted. To reveal the plot, capture the themes of intimidation, isolation and desperation. This is also suggested by the feedback that we gathered below...

Lynda, 52

"I think that there should be a separation from the figures in the background and the girl's head.
Overall though, very good, I don't think that it would look out of place with other professional thriller film posters. I like how the focus is down the bottom of the page and onto the girl."

One of the negatives which was pointed out, was the issue of the spacing between the figures in background and the girl's head. As a group we understood exactly what was meant by this and if we achieved correcting this problem then it would look less 'cramped'. However, when we thought about how we would correct this problem, we came to realise that it was an unfeasible idea. If we had shot the image again but with the boys even further in the background, then we thought the poster would look less effective as they would not be looming over the girl and reinforce the haunting presence that they had on her.

Here is a videoed response of when Simon, 53, first saw our official film poster...

From this videoed response it is clear that they had no negative points to talk about and that they particularly felt that our poster would not look out of place in a "cinema's foyer". We were pleased by this feedback as it showed that this ancillary text is effective in giving off a professional feeling. In addition, this individual's opinions were of significance to us, as our film is not specifically targeted to his age group, yet he still thought that our poster was very appealing. 

Here is a response of a 16 year old girl who was asked the following questions...

 Does this poster appeal to you? How does this poster make you feel? And what representations do you get from looking at this poster?

"The film poster definitely appeals to me and me age group as you can clearly see that the main character is a teenager, therefore making her feelings and emotions relatable for me and a viewer which is important to maintain the attention of the viewer."

She also stated that: 

"The dark edges that lead into the lighter center creates a vibe of fear and foreshadows the idea that something bad will happen, this is also shown by the two dark figures behind the victim. It makes the girl look vulnerable as they are creeping up on her."

This individual's response is one of many that was vital in our feedback process as they are of our intended target age group.  

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